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Job recruitment:Vice - Chief Engineer of Optical Design
Education Requirement:Masters degree or above

Position Responsibilities锛?br /> 1銆丄ssist the decision-makers to formulate the development strategy of the company's civil product technology research and development, responsible for the short-term and long-term decision-making and strategy of the company in its functional areas, and the achievement of the company's medium and long-term goals
2銆乀o plan, guide and coordinate the work in the field of optics 
3銆丷esponsible for the overall design of the optical project
4銆丮ake the related workflow, plan & coordinate and guide the work of the staffs, and training of technical personnel
5銆丄nalyze technical conditions锛宺esource status锛宮arket demand锛宒iscuss with company management and related departments锛宎nd evaluate project proposals锛?br /> 6銆丟uidance, review, promotion of product design, process improvement, etc.   
7銆丷esponsible for establishing and maintaining scientific and technological cooperation relationships with universities, enterprises and government departments, and developing and promoting industry-university-research cooperation projects.
8銆丄ccording to the company's confidentiality requirements, do a good job of confidentiality锛?br /> Position requirements
1銆丮aster's degree or above, more than 10 years experiences in the development of visible optical systems or infrared imaging optical systems
2銆丗amiliar with precision optical-mechanical design and installation and calibration technology, and experience in adapting to vehicle-grade high and low temperature environments
3銆丳roficient in infrared optical engineering and visible light imaging optics锛孭roficient in photoelectric sensor technology锛孉pplication of infrared detector and visible light detector锛孡earn about imaging spectroscopy, grating optics, Freeform surface optical, binary optics锛?br /> 4銆丳roficient in optical design tools and simulation calculation tools, familiar with 2D and 3D mechanical design tools;
5銆丳roficient in office software such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc., with   good document writing ability and English reading ability;

Contact: Mr. Tang             Recruitment Email锛歨r7@forecam.com
Company Address: No. 158, Jiangbin East Avenue, Mawei District, Fuzhou China

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Job recruitment Education Requirement Numbers Location Enddate
Optical Design Engineer (Imaging Optical Lens) Bachelors degree 1 Fuzhou China May 31,2020
Vice - Chief Engineer of Optical Design Masters degree or above 1 FuzhouChina May312020
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